A copule others on this thread mentioned that you can compile the kqemu module with gcc 4 and the rest of qemu with gcc 3.x. Did this work for you? Did it create a performance boost?

I'm asking because I just got qemu working on my ubuntu AMD64 and it took me a bit of tinkering to figure out the gcc 4/3.4 issue. Eventually I compiled it all, including kqemu, with gcc 3.4 and it all works great! The 3.4 compiled kernel module worked fine with the 4 compiled kernel.

QEMU is really fast! I fooled one of my friend into thinking that I was actually running a native windows XP. Is it that much more worth it to complile kqemu with gcc 4?

Thank you QEMU developers! I'm keeping QEMU under my tool belt from now on. Something I'd like to research, is there any possibility, or has anyone else considered the possibility to do 1280x800 widescreen (or other widescreen resolutions)?


Emmanuel Charpentier wrote:
Dear list,

I understand that the current "official" qemu needs gcc 3.x and won't
compile with gcc 4.x

I also understand that using a gcc3-compiled module (kqemu, in the
present case) entails a cgg3-compiled kernel.

I successfully recompiled such a kernel and qemu. So far so good.

However, this annoys me : the distribution I use (Ubuntu amd64) has
switched (foolishly, IMHO) to gcc 4 for its' "native" kernels ... and
proprietary kernel modules packages.

Since using those proprietary modules (for video, etc ...) give a *huge*
performance boost to my poor laptop, I'd rather use them for the time
being. And since rebuilding those packages is (apparently) a $h!+load of
work, I'd rather patch qemu sources and use a "native" kernel...

Paul Brooks posted on May 12 a patch allowing compilation of qemu on a
X86-64 host with GCC4. However, he didn't mention the use of gcc 4 for
kqemu generation.

So the question is :
Does Pa ul's patch allow for successful compilation of qemu and kqemu
with GCC 4, at least on X86-64 ?

Thank you for your answers and comments !

                                        Emmanuel Charpentier

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