
On behalf of the QEMU Team, I'd like to announce the availability of the
third release candidate for the QEMU 2.7 release.  This release is meant
for testing purposes and should not be used in a production environment.


Known issues with this release candidate:

 * does not build on OpenBSD or NetBSD. We expect to fix this for rc3.

A note from the maintainer:

  Ideally for rc3 (aiming for Monday 15th) we will only put
  in release critical bugfixes, in which case we'll be in
  shape to do a final release by the 19th. If we slip beyond
  that (and in particular if we need an rc4) then the timing
  of KVM Forum means final release will not be until the 29th.

You can help improve the quality of the QEMU 2.7 release by testing this
release and reporting bugs on Launchpad:


The release plan, as well a documented known issues for release
candidates, are available at:


Please add entries to the ChangeLog for the 2.7 release below:


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