I've been too busy the last 8 months or so to do much with
qemu, but I finally just went back to basics and re-ported
my 0.6.2/0.7.0 patches with the minimal amount of changes
to get it working under Solaris 10/Solaris express and
the latest qemu-cvs (last night).

Other than the change to configure to use /bin/bash instead
of /bin/sh (solaris's /bin/sh really is /bin/sh, not bash),
the included changes are able to boot my Win98SE image that
runs under the blastwave version of qemu (precompiled 
qemu for Solaris).

I've got some other changes, but I wanted to get these 
patches into the qemu before the next release.



Attachment: qemu-snapshot-2006-04-12_23-solaris.patch
Description: Binary data

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