Hi all,

I have some questions regarding developing async network protocol
based block driver for qemu.
The network file server has async client library, and i think it will
be good if i can use it.

1. Is it OK to use libevent inside block driver.
What make me worried is that qemu itself said to be an event driven
program with it's own main loop

2. any example on how to create many coroutine and waiting for it's completion?
I thought i can just do qemu_coroutine_create and followed by
qemu_coroutine_enter, but the things become complex because
qemu_coroutine_yield will return the control back to caller
I also found about coQueue, but not sure how to use it.

3. Do we need to make our bdrv_read and bdrv_write to be thread safe?

Thanks before.

Iwan Budi Kusnanto

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