Hello -

I'm using ssh with the -X switch to get onto a server where I have kvm 
installed. I've made a virtual disk and I'm issuing the following command:

kvm -name livecd-debian -monitor vc -no-quit -m 1024 -usb -drive 
media=disk,if=ide,index=0,file=mastodonhdd1.qcow2,snapshot=off -drive 
media=disk,if=ide,index=1,file=mastodonhdd2.qcow2,snapshot=off -drive 

When I hit enter I get an X11 window with the Debian install splash screen but 
as soon as I get focus in that window and either hit an up-down arrow or just 
hit 'enter' I get "unknown keycodes 'empty_aliases(qwerty)', please report to 
qemu-devel@nongnu.org" in my shell and I get no response in the X11 window. 
Further input is ignored (or at least I get no change in either my shell or the 
X11 window)

So here's me reporting....Please help!


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