I have the need to launch QGIS from a python file due to some other checks I 
need to setup before it is running.  I convert this python file to an exe but 
Windows Defender flags it as a virus.  The exe is created from a batch (.cmd) 
file with the following calls:

call "QGISenv.bat"
call "python3.exe  jcms_authenticate.py"

The jcms_authenticate.py file is what launches QGIS using a python Popen 
method.  I used bat2exe converter to convert my CMD file to an exe.  

I came across another method to convert python directly to an exe using 
pyinstaller but have had issues as mentioned  in the link below.  I am not 
using QGIS 3.4.4 but QGIS 3.16.16 and assume there is still the issue as I 
cannot successfully get the exe to work as I get the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "jcms_authenticate.py", line 7, in <module>
    from qgis.core import QgsApplication
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'qgis'
[37080] Failed to execute script 'jcms_authenticate' due to unhandled exception!

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