Hi dear devs,

With feature freeze/bug fixes period almost finished, and before you get
busy with pushing cool and nice features for the next 3.30 branch, I'd like
to share with you a few cool features the documentation repo will also be
really happy to get from your skills.


1. Create a github action to automatically assign labels to issue reports
generated from merged pull requests in code repo, to help us quickly
triage. See #50562 <https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues/50562> and #7826

2. To the generated issue reports, we also have to assign the milestone,
that is the next LTR we will document it in... An automatic assignment
would also be great. See #7828

3. If the move away from Transifex is not yet on the radar, a github action
to regularly pull unfinished translation files would be welcome. See #7827

4. Help setup the release branches to allow automatic merge when tests
pass. See #7837 <https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Documentation/issues/7837>

5. Fix text frame width in the pyQGIS API documentation. See #36


If you instead feel like writing , there are some outdated, confusing
instructions in the docs for beginners in coding:

1. how to configure python path
from within QGIS or custom application: See #6179
<https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Documentation/issues/6179> and attempts to
fix it at #6306 <https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Documentation/pull/6306>,
#7139 <https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Documentation/pull/7139> and #7140

2. methods and tools to debug code/plugins: see #7836

3. as usual, review of current pull requests
<https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Documentation/pulls> is still welcome


If you don't feel like coding nor writing, you can just tell us whether you
think that any of these reports is worth documenting and how we could
address it: ToDocOrNotToDoc

As you can see, the needs are diverse; it is about coding, setup, triaging
and writing so you probably will find something for you (I hope) and do it
faster than in my unsuccessful attempts.
*The docs needs the devs*.

Kind regards and looking forward,
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