Hi all,

I'm approaching to do some more test of Processing. I followed the guide
on the repo (and also Matthias gav me some super useful advices) but
something is strange with the output of Processing itself.

I'm using QGIS 3 on a Linux Mint machine (fresh compiled) and when I
save a vector as GML as external file with Processing 2 files are created:

1. layer.gml
2. layer.xsd

Instead if I save the same layer from QGIS (or another shapefile) as
GML, QGIS writes 2 files:

1. layer.gml
2. layer.gfs

I saw that in the expected folder of the processing test there are only
gml-gfs file.

Could the .xsd file gave some problem when running tests? Even if not,
why the saving process creates different file whether one uses QGIS or

Thanks to all

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