Re: [QGIS-it-user] Integrare la documentazione di QGIS in altra documentazione

2020-06-11 Per discussione matteo
Ho poche esperienze con i git submodules (da cui mi tengo alla larga il più possibile), ma un'alternativa esiste (non l'ho mai approfondita) i git subtree. però personalmente credo che sia molto facile incasinare con questi strumenti di git qualcosa che dovrebbe rimanere semplice. la pulizia a

Re: [Qgis-user] Authentication System: DISABLED. Resources authenticating via the system can not be accessed

2020-06-11 Per discussione Priv.-Doz. Dr. Maria Shinoto
Hi, I do not recall the exact dialog, but I also get this kind of messages when I first opened QGIS 3.10 and 3.12. Just go to the security settings like with every other non-App-Store application on Mac and set QGIS to open. Just ignore the horrible message and open QGIS again, it works.

Re: [Qgis-user] Styling polygon borders: preventing double rendering between polygons

2020-06-11 Per discussione Jorge Gustavo Rocha
Hi Chris, I've asked the question simple as possible, but I'm really trying to accomplish the use cases you mentioned! I'm trying to symbolize all different administrative levels, including the shoreline. This can be partially accomplish with lines by stacking all, from the most general ones,

Re: [Qgis-user] Styling polygon borders: preventing double rendering between polygons

2020-06-11 Per discussione chris hermansen
Jorge and List, On Thu, Jun 11, 2020 at 7:13 AM Jorge Gustavo Rocha wrote: > Thank you for the feedback, Karl and Christoph. > > Your work around is valid. It is possible to transform the polygons into > lines and then render them correctly. > > It would be nice to have an option to render only

Re: [Qgis-user] Styling polygon borders: preventing double rendering between polygons

2020-06-11 Per discussione Jorge Gustavo Rocha
Thank you for the feedback, Karl and Christoph. Your work around is valid. It is possible to transform the polygons into lines and then render them correctly. It would be nice to have an option to render only once adjacent polygons, with a a common border. There is a "Feature request" by

[Qgis-user] Authentication System: DISABLED. Resources authenticating via the system can not be accessed

2020-06-11 Per discussione Hitanshu Vora
Dear All, I'm using the MAC operating system. I've installed Python 3.6.8 & QGIS macOS Installer Version 3.10 I get the message Authentication System: DISABLED. Resources authenticating via the system can not be accessed Kindly help me to resolve the issue. Thank you Yours Sincerely --

Re: [Qgis-user] Styling polygon borders: preventing double rendering between polygons

2020-06-11 Per discussione Karl Magnus Jönsson
Hi! I had a similar problem. I’ve made a view ( in PostGIS) to transform the boundaries to lines and remove the duplicate lines. Should be doable in virtual layers as well. Quite complicated SQL since I have several different types of lines depending on the attributes. Karl-Magnus Jönsson

Re: [Qgis-user] Styling polygon borders: preventing double rendering between polygons

2020-06-11 Per discussione Christoph Jung
Hi Jorge, If it is just a visual thing, than you could transform your polygons to lines and delete the duplicate geometries. Sincerely, Christoph > Am 11.06.2020 um 12:45 schrieb Jorge Gustavo Rocha : > > Hi QGisers, > > I'm trying to style a polygon layer (districts) using a marker line

[Qgis-user] Styling polygon borders: preventing double rendering between polygons

2020-06-11 Per discussione Jorge Gustavo Rocha
Hi QGisers, I'm trying to style a polygon layer (districts) using a marker line (using the '+' sign). It works well for lines. When I use it in polygons, the outer line is ok, but the lines between polygons are rendered twice. To make this question more clear, I've attached the following print

Re: [QGIS-it-user] Integrare la documentazione di QGIS in altra documentazione

2020-06-11 Per discussione Roberto Marzocchi
La ragione della nostra domanda era proprio legata al fatto che i submodule non ci sembrano il massimo della soluzione.  Secondo me sarebbe strategico trovare un modo di integrare le documentazioni dei vari SW tra di loro perchè aiuterebbe a ottimizzare gli sforzi lato "developer" e