Using QGIS r13052 from KyngChaos on OS X 10.6.2. If I load a QGIS 1.4 project 
containing GRASS rasters, the profile tool (version 0.2.1) will work  with the 
GRASS rasters. If I load a new GRASS raster or remove and reload an existing 
raster, the profile tool displays "Profile", "Please select one-band raster 
layer" in a dialog. In line 67 in the, layer.bandCount() is 
returning 0 instead of 1 for a newly loaded GRASS raster.

I modified the profile plugin code so that layer band count could be either 0 
or 1. It now runs, but is very slow. Statistics show a pixel size of 1 instead 
or the raster cell size. I assume the problem is caused by recent changes to 
the GRASS raster provider. Anybody else having this problem.

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