Un buon termine di paragone per le nostre attività.

-------- Original Message --------
From: Ismail Sunni <imajimat...@gmail.com>
Sent: 27 February 2020 07:56:36 CET
To: qgis-u...@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [Qgis-user] QGIS Indonesia Meetup #1

Dear all,

First, please apologize me if this post may not be in suitable for this
mailing list and perhaps not interesting for most of the member :)

I just want to share *the first QGIS Indonesia meet up*. It will be
held at *Gadjah
Mada University in Yogyakarta, Indonesia on 29 February 2020*. In this
meetup, there will be a sharing session, technical session, and discussion
about the QGIS Indonesia community itself. Below is the agenda that we have:

*Sharing Session:*

   1. *The growth of open-source GIS (QGIS and Geoserver) in Indonesia* by
   Ibnu Rosyadi
   2. *Land cover mapping by using machine learning and land change by
   using cellular automata on QGIS* by Nur M. Farda
   3. *Basic GRASS in QGIS* by Firman Hadi
   4. *The uses of QGIS in the forest and environmental management* by
   Afandi Ahmad
   5. *QGIS for village mapping* by Eko Kalisno

*Technical session:*

   1. *Bug reporting on QGIS and QGIS community's activities around the
   world* by Ismail Sunni
   2. *Translating QGIS to Bahasa Indonesia* by Adi Kurniawan
   3. *Creating graphical modeler on QGIS* by M. Iqnaul
   4. *Basic QGIS* by M. Anshori

For more information (in Bahasa Indonesia) you can visit

There are still some spots left, you can contact me if you are interested.
We got a bigger room than initially, that can accommodate around 80 people
(compared to 50 initially). And we are still open for sponsorship also :)

I am posting this just in case there are some Indonesian (or people who can
speak Bahasa Indonesia) in this mailing list who are not aware of *QGIS
Indonesia* (soon to be) *User Group*. We are still a new baby (although
already active in our Telegram group with 500 members) and trying to gather
more and more people to join us.

If you are interested, you can join us on our Telegram group (
https://t.me/qgisindonesia), and see you there :)


Best Regards

Ismail Sunni
Software Engineer

Please excuse my brevity.
QGIS-it-user mailing list

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