Hi all:

Could someone tell me if there are plugins for:

*1.* A feature add that will fill in a void surrounded by polygons with a
NEW polygon.

I have a cluster of polygons which FULLY enclose a void. I would like to
programmatically fill this void with a new polygon.

*2.* A plugin which will align a "Master" line segment of a polygon to a
"Slave" segment of an adjoining polygon. (Shared borders.)

It should work something like this:

The master "segment" is chosen from a starting vertex to an ending vertex.
The number if points (vertices) are counted. The "Slave" segment is chosen
where it's starting point is in snap range of the master's starting point.
It's ending point is likewise. (This segment's vertices are counted). The
two segments are then "Zipper"  together until the slave segment aligns
with master. If there is a vertices count mismatch then vertices are added
(or removed) from the "Slave" to match the vertices of the "Master".

Thanks in advance;

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