Re: [Qgis-user] [SPAM] Unit of length determined by layer or project CRS? (OTFon)

2015-10-25 Thread Andre Joost
Am 24.10.2015 um 22:11 schrieb magerlin: : Even though EPSG: 3857 has in its definition "+units=m" it is apparently NOT in meters, so I must try to find a common projection covering Asis if that is even possible? - it does not have to be that accurate! Just type "Asia" in the filter input box

Re: [Qgis-user] [SPAM] Unit of length determined by layer or project CRS? (OTFon)

2015-10-24 Thread Piotr Kania
Hi! Try Quick map Services plugin- I use it in my project with local Polish crs (epsg 2180) and everything works-units are meters, measure tools and calculations made with field calculator are correct, in project settings I had to set: crs on the fly, than I could choose epsg 2180. 24 paź

Re: [Qgis-user] [SPAM] Unit of length determined by layer or project CRS? (OTFon)

2015-10-24 Thread magerlin
Hi Piotr Thanks for your answer - It seems like the Quick map Services plugin is a little better then OpenLayers plugin at showing maps in other projections than the default and using a "local" metric projection I can get lengths in meters using field calculator. But since I am going to work