Hello QGIS Users,

I just got some problems creating a legend for a raster layer. Usually I
am working with the following settings in order to colorize a calculated
raster layer (e.g. after applying v.surf.idw on a point data set):

- rendering type: singleband pseudocolor

- interpolation: linear

- mode: equal interval

In QGIS 3.18.0:

Selecting an appropriate color ramp and applying a classification, e.g.,
5 classes, I can see in the "Layer Properties - Symbology" window the 5
classes with color labels and the corresponding 5 values for each class.
But in the "Layer Panel" the legend shows only the first and last value
of the value range. The same thing happens in the layout manager when I
create a layout for printing which includes a legend.

In QGIS 3.16.4 LTR and previous versions:

Doing the same I get the 5 color classes with the corresponding values
for each of the 5 classes in the "Legend Panel"as well as in the layout

In my first attempt submitting this message to the QGIS user list I
attached 2 screenshots depicting the problem. But the files were too big
and the list moderator didn't  approve. I hope the problem description
only by words is sufficient.

My question: Is this a bug in the new QGIS version or does QGIS 3.18 not
provide this functionality anymore?

Thanks a lot for a comment.



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