Trying to save a part of a WMS as a GeoTIFF
Right click and Save As.
I Choose a Rendered Image and create a VRT
Same resolution and CRS as the original image.

Click at Add saved file to map.

Now my problems begin:
1: I get an Error – saying ‘Unsupported datasource .TIFF…’
2: When I open the VRT file – It is not saved in the folder I choose – but in a 
new folder with ‘.TIFF’ added as name
3: The image is not placed in the same place as the original. If I save an area 
2x1 km. there is a North/South error aprox. 5 meter. If I save a smaller area 
the error also gets smaller.

Any suggestion what I might do wrong ?


Lene Fischer
Associate Professor

Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management
University of Copenhagen

MOB +45 40115084


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