Re: [QGIS-it-user] dati traffico google

2018-08-22 Thread Paolo Cavallini
Ciao, a parte i problemi tecnici (non so se GG espone questi dati tramite una AAPI pubblica), dubito che GG li renda disponibili con una licenza ragionevolmente usabile. Se qualcuno ha evidenza del contrario, ben venga! Saluti. Il 2018-08-22 18:54 aramis ha scritto: Buona sera, è

[Qgis-user] Missing Processing Toolbox

2018-08-22 Thread Emily Wine
Hi all! I'm using: QGIS Version: 3.2.1-Bonn Standalone-installer Windows 10 64-bit I am receiving an error message when I start QGIS. The message is as follows: "Couldn't load plugin 'processing' due to an error when calling its classFactory() method See message log (Python Error) for more

[QGIS-it-user] dati traffico google

2018-08-22 Thread aramis
Buona sera, è possibile visualizzare/scaricare i dati di traffico di google map? qualche plug-in? Quelli che vorrei prendere sono i dati del traffico tipico. Selezionare giorno e orario e poter ottenere il relativo grafo. Non vedo niente in rete che mi dia informazioni in merito. Grazie

[QGIS-it-user] Cena GFOSSers e QGISsers a Venezia (Forte Bazzera) 31 luglio 2018

2018-08-22 Thread Amedeo Fadini
Ciao a tutti (scusate il cross-posting), mentre i più bravi di noi saranno impegnati a Dar es Salaam per il Foss4G, ci hanno invitato ad essere presenti come comunità Geo Open Source all'end sumemr camp [0], un ritrovo festoso di persone che a vario titolo condividono una mentalità di innovazione,

[Qgis-user] QGIS Promotional materials in FOSS4G2018

2018-08-22 Thread Tim Sutton
Hi All Is anyone from Europe coming to FOSS4G2018 that would be prepared to bring a load of QGIS stickers (and perhaps other similar materials) along with them? I believe we have a budget for making this kind of thing, so it would be great to have everyone leave the conference with a nice QGIS

Re: [Qgis-user] Grass V.clean error in 3.2

2018-08-22 Thread Paolo Cavallini
Please share your solution here. Thanks. On 08/22/2018 10:42 AM, Mensio Federico wrote: > Solved. > > Il giorno mar 21 ago 2018 alle ore 11:59 Mensio Federico >>> ha scritto: > > V.clean still continue to not working...  > > 2018-07-29 10:42 GMT+02:00 Mensio

Re: [Qgis-user] vector tools of Grass failed in Qgis 3 Mac os

2018-08-22 Thread Mensio Federico
Now it's works. in effect there was an error when i write the PATH variable... Thank you so much. 2018-08-21 23:12 GMT+02:00 William Kyngesburye : > Did you follow the instructions in the Readme to add an environment > variable? It's needed for this very reason - external scripts (GRASS, >

Re: [Qgis-user] Point layer output from modeller point parameter

2018-08-22 Thread Philip Barlow
Thanks Nyall, This isn't mission critical work or anything. What I am experimenting with here, taking advantage of the fact that in QGIS 3.x you can point algs in the modeller at data outside your project, is creating a set of ready to use analysis tools for our users. Is it worth putting a

Re: [Qgis-user] What Plug in does live GPS input in QGIS?

2018-08-22 Thread Brent Wood
HI, The QGIS panel allows you to manually save individual GPS points to a currently open & editable point layer - a mouse click on the button does this. Upon saving a point, you will be presented with a dialogue box to enter the values for any fields (attributes) defined in the map layer.