Am Sonntag, 7. Januar 2007 18:03 schrieb Jean Cayron:
> The build is using Qt in no_qtdir
> Linking with Qt using

So I guess ./configure or make did not find your Qt - libraries

 --it can with a little help from it's friends, i.e. YOU

"./configure --help"  shows
  --with-qtdir=DIR        Qt installation directory default=/usr/local

So you could add   --with-qtdir=PATH-TO-YOUR-QT to your ./configure command

Moreover, my spec-file for SuSE 10.2  contains

#echo "for 'make' run first:"
export QTDIR=/usr
#echo "export PATH=$PATH:$QTDIR/bin"
export PATH=$PATH:$QTDIR/bin

after calling configure and before calling make. I don't know wheter this ist 
necessary, but:

Compile on my desktop (i586) worked flawlessly after I had installed all 
neccessary libraries - x64_86 was often more complicated before, but I didn't 
try that on my server until now.

Hope that helps, Rolf

Rolf Knebel at 50° 57' 57.0" North  11° 01' 28.0" East       D-99096 Erfurt
New Coord's from Feb. 20th 2007: 50° 57' 47.6" North  11° 00' 20.0" East 
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