The resolution can be lower in GRASS if your current resolution
is lower, try and g.region -p
 g.region rast=xxx

In QGIS the resolution should be always reset to screen resolution
so that if you zoom in enough, you must se image resolution (cell rectangles).

You could loose some information with reprojection however, you should
look at original image (before reprojection).


On 10/26/06, Thierry Gonon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi everybody,

my question is about the display quality of QGis. In my GIS (working with 
GRASS6.1) I have Spot V images (2.5m, color) reprojected in Old Egyptian system 
(instead of original WGS84) et in GRASS and in QGis, it seems that the 
resolution is lower on the screen that it is when we look at the original TIFF 
files (in GIMP for example)...
Is it real or just a feeling ?

Thanks !
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