I have just had to re-setup my little Canon BJ-10ex  printer to use with 
Quill - no apologies for using such ancient kit - and wonder whether I 
have made it more complicated than necessary? The problem arose with the 
UKPound sign. To get this I have
1) switched to the multilingual code page 850 by setting the preamble 
code to: ESC,[,T,chr$(4),NUL,NUL,NUL,chr$(3),chr$(82) and
2) setting up a translate: £,ESC,'6',chr$(156),ESC,'7' which picks up 
the alternate character set where the UKPound is found.

The manual gives me the impression that with the DIP switches 6,7&8 set 
to OFF,ON,ON '#' should be replaced by the UKPound sign but it isn't.

Has any one any experience in this area please?

Christopher Cave

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