Wolfgang Lenerz wrote:
> > I'd be willing to have a go at doing an example QL Today in PDF 
> > format, just to see how it could be done and how big the resulting 
> > file would be. As they say on Top Gear "how hard can it be?"
> That should take all of 6 minutes:
> 1 minute : take the staples off & put pages them in my scanner.
> 2 minutes scan even pages
> 2 minutes scan odd pages
> 1 minute prepare PDF...
> I could do that when QL Today gets here.
I'm a bit late with my contribution to this thread, but I was abroad some
days last week.

I've been discussing the topic "electronic QL Today" earlier this year with
Jochen. My intention was and still is to bring all back issues back to live.
They are a very good knowledge base and must not be lost.

What I can do:
1. I have a storage box with all issues (both international and German
editions) in pristine condition.
2. I also have an All-In-One (AIO) device, model HP Photosmart Premium Fax
C309a, which has a duplex scan engine. It produces dual layer (bitmap and
searchable text in selected language) PDF's in version 1.6 (Acrobat version
7 and above).
3. I have a full featured ADOBE ACROBAT PRO version 9.4 software package
which is a good help in case I need to assemble multiple PDF files to a
single file.

What I did so far:
I unstapled and scanned some issues of QL Today.

Some more information:
1. The XEROX WorkCentre 7655 (which I had at work in 2009) produced PDF's
compliant with the older version 1.4 (Acrobat version 5 and above).
2. Compared to the XEROX the HP Photosmart Premium Fax C309a produces much
larger files. Example:
- XEROX: The 54 pages PDF file of the Open University QL case study is 4.3MB
- HP: The 59 pages PDF of QL Today V1 I 1 is 50.2MB
3. All issues of QL Today would rather fill a DVD than a CD.

The QL case study can be downloaded here:

Jochen allowed me to share a sample issue with you guys for further
discussion. Here's issue 1 of volume 1 (May/June 1996):

For future issues of QL Today I would suggest that Jochen would send me a
clean and unstapled single sided printout, a so called "Master-Copy", the
same day he sends out the new issue to his printer. This would fasten up
scanning and give better results ("no backpage shining through", no glitches
due to staples, etc.). I would then be able to produce the "electronic QL
Today" within a few days and supply Jochen for further distribution.
Distribution could easily be made by Jochen's "QL Update Portal" for


Cheers, Urs
QLvsJAGUAR - Much more than retro! - Always remember: QL forever!
Website: http://www.qlvsjaguar.homepage.bluewin.ch
Videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/QLvsJaguar
Pictures: http://cid-c250d8748980ce5a.photos.live.com/albums.aspx

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