Hi again everyone,

This time I'm here to thank those of you who have sent me contributions for the next QUANTA Magazine and to ask those of you who have not - WHY?

I am hoping to produce another BUMPER ISSUE in time for Christmas but I can't do it on my own. I am certain that a number of you have a story to tell about QLing or something else however loosely connected.

Some of the appeals for help that turn up on this list must (on average) produce a solution. Why not tell us exactly what the problem was and the way you have managed to overcome it.

I recently had a phone call from a QUANTA Member who said that the magazines (yes plural) and the list etc have got very technical and those who are still using a black box machine with microdrives and the original user guide would love to see some BASIC tit bits to stimulate their activities.

I know that YOU can help me. The next Copy Date - for the December/January issue - is December 5th 2009 but if you are prepared to contribute and you need a few extra days, get in touch with me and I'll see what I can do.

I look forward to hearing from YOU.

Kindest regards to all,

John Gilpin.
Editor QUANTA Magazine.

QL-Users Mailing List

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