Hi everyone,

Just a quick update on my progress.

In the last couple of days, I worked mainly at improving the 3D engine; line 
clipping, object visibility, object creation and removal, simple hidden line 
removal etc. All this unfortunately takes time to compute, so at the end of the 
day, the fps score was not as good as it was.

To compensate, I redefined the 3D object definition in order to reduced the 
number of 3D transformations to compute its position on screen and I wrote a 
greatly improved routine to erase the screen between each frame.

Finally I wrote a very simple control interface and defined the first "stage" 
of the game. This stage will be called "The Ice Field" where you are in control 
of a ship that navigate in a comet tail. You need to doge the ice crystals and 
collect some rare Iridium cube lying around.

I just played for a few minutes and it is fun ! Some parameters need to be 
adjusted to improve playability and set the difficulty level right.

The game will have the following stages:

The ice field
The power station
The mothership

and one or two still undefined stages.

What left to be done: a lot... Firing, object explosion, scores, better 
steering, collision detection, introduction story and graphics, testing, lots 
of testing.

BTW I lots the whole weekend trying to solve a very strange bug... At the end, 
it was a error in an assembly function; ADDA.L instead of ADDA.W...

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