Hi QLers,

I think we need another topic.

Recently most discussions on ql-users and qlforum were about Rich's Software
Preservation Project and Copyright. Even I have a clear opinion on all that
I will not write it down here for two major reasons:

1.       English is not my native language and I feel a bit uncomfortable to
find 100% the right words. Also to write it down that it clearly expresses
what I think my need some considerable amount of time, which I do not have
or do not want to spend at the moment (just days before my summer vacation
with plenty to do at work and private life).

2.       I better spend my QL time with doing QL stuff than to discuss the

Last week I started the Windows 10 upgrade job on all my PCs and all the PCs
I somehow control.

Last week I documented how our fastest PC in the family was performing QL/E
under Windows 8.1 64-bit. There's a video about that which shows - among
other things - how QTop-Index (New PCW benchmarks) and QTop-Demos are


This was before the upgrade to Windows 10 which was done the next day as a
fresh installation, not as an in-session update.

Having Windows 10 64-bit on this machine for almost a week now is nice. All
runs great, but running QPC2 shows that some QL graphic operations are
substantially slower than expected and what counts more, they are much
slower than running exactly the same under Windows 8.1. To document this
behaviour I made another video.


Watch it carefully and re-test on your rig.

I think that the slow performance of Photo QL, QTop-Index (TEXTSCRN,
GRAFSCRN benchmarks) and QTop-Demos (CIRCLE, ELLIPSE, SPACE, WORM demos) is
just the symptom not the source of the problem.

It's not the first PC with this weird QPC2 behaviour. I have seen this on
several PCs running Windows 10 but not all. Some are running (fast) as
expected. About a year ago I first reported this on qlforum (Fri Jun 05,
2015 8:36 pm), but nobody took up the line on that.

<http://qlforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1282#p10936> &t=1282#p10936

Anyone? Marcel?

QL forever!

 <http://www.sinclairql.net/> http://www.sinclairql.net/

P.S. SMSQmulator seems not affected; its performance is comparable when
running on the same hardware under various Windows versions (7, 8.x, 10).
Using latest QPC2 (v4.04) and SMSQ/E (v3.26) does not better the situation.


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