Per Witte has released version 02 of his QLWARZ utility to stretch, refresh, or defragment a hard drive on QPC2. As there is no way to extend a QXL.WIN filing container, this program takes the next best approach and formats a new one with a different capacity and copies directories and files over to the new QXL.WIN.

Version 02 now supports 20 character medium names. The reason this requires an update is that, after many years, some versions of SMSQ/E (eg SMSQmulator) now do the right thing and take the length count word into consideration, meaning that in most cases you are no longer limited to a 10 character medium name.

Per explains in the readme file with the software that some BASIC commands may still truncate the 20 character names to 10 characters, as they ignore the word length count (e.g. DMEDIUM_NAME$ and STAT), as well as QPAC2 Files menu, although he hopes that these will be updated in due course.

Download QLWARZ v02 from http://www.dilwyn.me.uk/utils/index.html
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