> About the problems running Qtimage from Ramx_. Just a thought, Why don’t
> you use the HOME-thing, that would make the program more versatile, I
> think,

I regularly use THINGS FOR THE HOUSE
That's not the problem.

> I have merged 3 pic-files (2 large & 1 small) without a problem, It took
> minutes,,, but it worked.

Unfortunately we are pushing the QPC2 limit.
Let's not forget that it emulates a 68020

> Tests
> Image
> Zoom OK
> Resize OK
> Border OK
> Colours
> This is another kettle of fish,
I'm not sure I understand this part. I translated it with google translate
but I didn't understand exactly what you mean (in that menu)
My fault, unfortunately my English sucks

> To avoid a new menu popping up, you ought to replace all occurences of
> scale
> -256 to +256 with -255 to +255 and keep the loose item ‘ok’ unavailable
> until the correct values are entered,
> Entering wrong values are sometimes corrected by the program but not
> always. Wrong values allow the popup of a new menu ( see Filter →Pixel).
> But this behaviour seems unpredictable here, at least to me. So make it
> impossible to use values that are out of range .
> Make it impossible to enter wrong values for all the other colour items.
> Have a fine evening.
> François
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