Just a quick info: as there seems to be demand for more issues,
I still accept orders on my homepage  http://smsq.j-m-s.com/

I will collect orders until middle of October. I need at least
10 for the re-print (otherwise it costs me much more to drive
to the printer twice etc.) ... but so far we already have 2!
That was quick. If I have 10 earlier (by the end of this month,
for example), I will also do the re-print earlier and mail them
as soon as I have them.

Best regards    Jochen

And mine was on my desk when I got back from the weekly shop
Wow a lot of stuff to investigate, of course QPC2, I have it already but not 
tried yet on this Win 8 box until today, seems to be OK more tinkering required
Thanks to all concerned


From: QL2K <q...@jadiam.com>
To: ql-us...@q-v-d.com
Sent: Thursday, 19 September 2013, 15:59
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] QL Today + DVD

Hi All,

I'll received QL Today this morning too... :)


-----Message d'origine-----
De : ql-users-boun...@lists.q-v-d.com
[mailto:ql-users-boun...@lists.q-v-d.com] De la part de Ian Pine
Envoyé : jeudi 19 septembre 2013 15:16
À : ql-us...@q-v-d.com
Objet : [Ql-Users] QL Today + DVD

My final (for the foreseeable future) QL Today arrived this morning.
I'm exploring the DVD. I've got both QPC2 and SMSQmlator (Java7 on Vista)
running. SMSQmulator runs fine directly from the DVD but not much use with
read-only filesystem. I copied all the files from DVD to a folder and ran it
from there but keep getting this message: Can't read SMSQ/E file! :
java.io.IOException: The process cannot access the file because another
process has locked a portion of the file.

I'm launching it by opening the folder and double-clicing the .jar file. The
error happens even if I restart the computer and it is the first thing I

No problems with QPC2 but the best display quality results in a tiny QL
window within the QPC window - I can scale it up by setting the bottom
resolution (under 'Window mode' checkbox) higher than that of the top
resolution, but this usually results in a reduction in quality.

Good fun playing, but I must drag myself away to tidy up and get dinner
started before wife comes home from work and I go out to mine!

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