Roy wood writes:

> >The current version of ptr_gen and wman is 2.01. They are both in need of
> >update though, as they are out of synch with the corresponding SMSQ/E
> >versions (bugs and new facilities).
> >
> >Who maintains these?
> Well, they are now free to distribute and I do not think that anyone is
> maintaining them. I suppose if there are bugs they should be reported
> but I am not sure who would be willing to take it on for nothing. As for
> new facilities, I think it was never intended that the three PE files
> should be the same as SMSQ/E. The recent upgrade was so that programs
> that accessed the new colours would not crash but run in QL mode.

Some programs will now crash, for sure, eg any using SP_JOBOWNPAL (part of
Wman), and ptr_gen may not be able to handle the new sprite format Marcel
has introduced (mask-less patterns). Neither of the mentioned facilities may
be much good in QL colour modes to be sure, but it would be nice if programs
wouldnt just bomb out.

> Wolfgang may have other ideas but I think if you want extended an O/S
> you will have to get SMSQ/E.

Wouldnt many, if not most, of the source files be a subset of the SMSQE
ones? If that is the case, they are probably best maintained by our esteemed
Registrar. If any help were needed to sychronise them, Id be willing, if not
guaranteed able, to help with that.


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