Re: [Ql-Users] Old QL user getting back in touch

2023-05-31 Thread John Impellizzeri via Ql-Users

Hey Don!

Welcome back and great to hear from you again.

The list has been pretty quiet lately.

And yes, many fond memories of QL show road trips to Rhode Island, 
Tennessee, Boston and PA.

Not quite retired here yet, got a few more years to go but I still play 
around with QL and Sinclair related things.


On 5/31/23 1:12 PM, Don Walterman via Ql-Users wrote:

Hello All,

I was into the QL and Z88 in the 80's and 90's. Semi-retired now and 
just getting back into all things QL related.

I have a few thousand messages to read on this list to catch 

I have fond memories of meeting many of you at QL get togethers like 
QL Boston in 96 and the one in Portland...


QL-Users Mailing List

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Old QL user getting back in touch

2023-05-31 Thread Rod H via Ql-Users
I remember you.

Best regards,

Rod Humphreys

From: Ql-Users  on behalf of Don Walterman 
via Ql-Users 
Sent: 31 May 2023 10:12
Cc: Don Walterman 
Subject: [Ql-Users] Old QL user getting back in touch

Hello All,

I was into the QL and Z88 in the 80's and 90's. Semi-retired now and
just getting back into all things QL related.

I have a few thousand messages to read on this list to catch up...

I have fond memories of meeting many of you at QL get togethers like QL
Boston in 96 and the one in Portland...


QL-Users Mailing List
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Old QL user getting back in touch

2023-05-31 Thread Dilwyn Jones via Ql-Users
Welcome back Don. I remember reading articles by you in IQLR years ago.

I'd seriously suggest joining QL Forum ( too, if you
have not already done so. And if you're on Facebook, try the Sinclair
QL For Everyone group. Loads of QL users on both sites.

Best wishes.


On Wed, 31 May 2023 at 18:17, Don Walterman via Ql-Users
> Hello All,
> I was into the QL and Z88 in the 80's and 90's. Semi-retired now and
> just getting back into all things QL related.
> I have a few thousand messages to read on this list to catch up...
> I have fond memories of meeting many of you at QL get togethers like QL
> Boston in 96 and the one in Portland...
> Don
> ___
> QL-Users Mailing List
QL-Users Mailing List