On Mon, Jan 15, 2001 at 02:25:52PM +0100, Karl Pitrich wrote:
> hi.
> one question:
> now, that all my users come from the ldap directory,
> the ~/Mail* stuff still has to belong to the particular user, wether
> the user is in ldap or not. there is, however a 16bit uid limit in linux
> 2.2.x ext2 etc. fs, so how do you utilize > 65535 users on linux machines?
> or did i get that completly wrong, and the maildir doesnt belong to
> the particular user?

You got it completly wrong.

Take a deep read at Life With Qmail: http://www.lifewithqmail.org/ldap/:

------------------------------- Start of quote ldapuid

The system user id your virtual users are mapped to. You can add as much users as you 
want to you ldap directory without having system accounts for
them, they are all mapped to a single system user id - this one is defined here. ldapgid

The system group id all your virtual users are mapped to.

-------------------------------- End of quote

> thx, Karl.

Jose AP Celestino  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  || SAPO / PTM.COM
Administração de Sistemas / Operações || http://www.sapo.pt
Never make anything simple and efficient when a way can be found to
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