hello friends 
   haev a nice day 

    i have installed qmail-1.03 and applied  qmail-bounce  and
qmail-ldap-20000601   patches , 

i have configured auth_pop  along with qmail-pop3d and qmail-popup in my
inetd.conf  , i will configured it with tcpserver once it will work under

   every thing is working fine for me  except the one  , 

   my problems is  qmail is delivering mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     in their respective  Maildir's   but 
pop3 is not able to  download mails for  any   "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" who have
same UID (user) for one of the virtual domains  i.e.

 its working for "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" & [EMAIL PROTECTED] "

  if i try  "./qmail-ldaplookup  -u user " where is user "user" exists for
morethen one domain in my directory server ( openldap)  then the search
fails but if i will use  
              "./qmail-ldaplookup -m [EMAIL PROTECTED]"  
  and          "./qmail-ldaplookup -m [EMAIL PROTECTED]"   
        it is getting that entry for [EMAIL PROTECTED]

    i have also tried telnet  linux.domain.com 110   
  it gives -ERR temporary error when i will give 
  user username 
  pass password 

   but it gives  Authorization fail  when i tried 
  user   user@domain   or   user@virtualdomain   
  pass  password       or password 

   please guide me  what could be the problems  (where can be the error in
LDAP  config or in pop3 config  ?????)  

   with warmest regards  ,  sorry for taking your precious time 

 Prashant Desai  


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