On Sat, 27 Jan 2001, Peter van Dijk wrote:

> The mail.hotmail.com that I just telnetted to on port 25 did not
> except this shortened version. It was also completely unsimilar to
> qmail-smtpd.

Hummumph.  Thanks for pointing that out.

I think we have caught hotmail.com in the act of changing over from QMail
to some other email system.  mail.hotmail.com was running Qmail just
yesterday, though all of the other machines were running whatever it is
they are running now.

I know that Hotmail, according to qmail.org, until recently, used Qmail
for the outgoing mail.

I will make some wild speculations as to why it is Hotmail switched over.
My speculations:

* This new mail system may have a lot of spam-protection built in.  AOL,
  seems to be using the same email system.

* Microsoft, for marketing reasons, obviously does not want it to be known
  that they use a Unix+Qmail system.

- Sam (Who is both amused and mildly disturbed that walmart.com uses
       Apache but pretends to use IIS)

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