RE: Not receiving mail sent through smtpd

2000-07-31 Thread Craig L. Ching

> On Mon, Jul 31, 2000 at 10:28:29AM -0500, Craig L. Ching wrote:
> ! Thanks, I'll give that a shot!  Now, the TEST.receive 
> example looks nothing
> ! like this.
> Sure it does! That document skimped out on writing ``mail from:'' and
> ``rcpt to:'' fully, but does have a note later on saying ``(Note for
> programmers: Most SMTP servers need more text after MAIL and RCPT.
> See RFC 821.)''. ``ehlo'' is defined in RFC 1869, but for qmail-smtpd
> behaves almost identically to ``helo''.
> Other than those, how different is my snippet from TEST.receive's one?
Ooops!  I didn't read carefully enough!  Just following the text without
thinking, sorry!

> ! Should it?  Or should my configuration not 
> worry about that?  I
> ! just want to make sure I have everything set up correctly.
> Well, if either works, you're in business.
Excellent!  Thanks much for your help and everyone else's help as well.  I
also want to thank Dave Sill for "Life With qmail", read that over the
weekend.  Guess I'd better go out and get the RFC's now!

>   ---Chris K.
> -- 
>  Chris, the Young One |_ Never brag about how your machines 
> haven't been 
>   Auckland, New Zealand |_ hacked, or your code hasn't been 
> broken. It's 
> |_ guaranteed to bring the wrong kind of 
>  PGP: 0xCCC6114E/0x706A6AAD |_ attention. ---Neil Schneider 

Re: Not receiving mail sent through smtpd

2000-07-31 Thread Chris, the Young One

On Mon, Jul 31, 2000 at 10:28:29AM -0500, Craig L. Ching wrote:
! Thanks, I'll give that a shot!  Now, the TEST.receive example looks nothing
! like this.

Sure it does! That document skimped out on writing ``mail from:'' and
``rcpt to:'' fully, but does have a note later on saying ``(Note for
programmers: Most SMTP servers need more text after MAIL and RCPT.
See RFC 821.)''. ``ehlo'' is defined in RFC 1869, but for qmail-smtpd
behaves almost identically to ``helo''.

Other than those, how different is my snippet from TEST.receive's one?

! Should it?  Or should my configuration not worry about that?  I
! just want to make sure I have everything set up correctly.

Well, if either works, you're in business.

---Chris K.
 Chris, the Young One |_ Never brag about how your machines haven't been 
  Auckland, New Zealand |_ hacked, or your code hasn't been broken. It's |_ guaranteed to bring the wrong kind of 
 PGP: 0xCCC6114E/0x706A6AAD |_ attention. ---Neil Schneider 

RE: Not receiving mail sent through smtpd

2000-07-31 Thread Craig L. Ching

> Let's try again:
> On Tue, Aug 01, 2000 at 02:45:40AM +1200, Chris, the Young One wrote:
> ! ehlo localhost
> ``ehlo'' (you can use helo also)
> ! mail from:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ``mail from:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'' (now that I looked back
> at your previous messages)
> ! rcpt to:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Thanks, I'll give that a shot!  Now, the TEST.receive example looks nothing
like this.  Should it?  Or should my configuration not worry about that?  I
just want to make sure I have everything set up correctly.

> I type sudo too much. :-) Replace ``you'' with ``cching'', as before.
> Also, there is no space between the colon and the left angle bracket,
> just in case this wasn't made clear. :-)
> ! data
> ! .
> ! quit
>   ---Chris K.
> -- 
>  Chris, the Young One |_ Never brag about how your machines 
> haven't been 
>   Auckland, New Zealand |_ hacked, or your code hasn't been 
> broken. It's 
> |_ guaranteed to bring the wrong kind of 
>  PGP: 0xCCC6114E/0x706A6AAD |_ attention. ---Neil Schneider 

Re: Not receiving mail sent through smtpd

2000-07-31 Thread Chris, the Young One

Let's try again:

On Tue, Aug 01, 2000 at 02:45:40AM +1200, Chris, the Young One wrote:
! ehlo localhost

``ehlo'' (you can use helo also)

! mail from:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

``mail from:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'' (now that I looked back
at your previous messages)

! rcpt to:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I type sudo too much. :-) Replace ``you'' with ``cching'', as before.
Also, there is no space between the colon and the left angle bracket,
just in case this wasn't made clear. :-)

! data
! .
! quit

---Chris K.
 Chris, the Young One |_ Never brag about how your machines haven't been 
  Auckland, New Zealand |_ hacked, or your code hasn't been broken. It's |_ guaranteed to bring the wrong kind of 
 PGP: 0xCCC6114E/0x706A6AAD |_ attention. ---Neil Schneider 

Re: Not receiving mail sent through smtpd

2000-07-31 Thread Chris, the Young One

On Mon, Jul 31, 2000 at 09:37:47AM -0500, Craig L. Ching wrote:
! @40003981b5cf1637e39c new msg 12548
! @40003981b5cf16432284 info msg 12548: bytes 2104 from <> qp 12047 uid 105

Empty sender == don't send bounce messages.

! @40003981b5cf16d538f4 starting delivery 3956: msg 12548 to local

An empty ``local'' part is definitely wrong.

Since you were testing your SMTP set-up (unless my memory is failing
again), you might try the following SMTP conversaion (assuming your
local user name is ``you''):

ehlo localhost
mail from:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

After this, neither the sender nor recipient should show up as empty
in your logs.

Note: you can't omit the angle brackets.

---Chris K.
 Chris, the Young One |_ If you can't afford a backup system, you can't 
  Auckland, New Zealand |_ afford to have important data on your computer. |_ ---Tracy R. Reed  
 PGP: 0xCCC6114E/0x706A6AAD |_ 

RE: Not receiving mail sent through smtpd

2000-07-31 Thread Tim Hunter

It looks like to me a bad smtp session, was this created manually?  or by
some mailer?

-Original Message-
From: Craig L. Ching [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2000 10:38 AM
To: qmail Distribution List (E-mail)
Subject: Not receiving mail sent through smtpd


Thanks for the help on this so far, the pointers have really helped me
understand qmail.  I've nailed down the problem, but I still don't know how
to resolve it.  Basically, the clue was in my qmail-send logs.  Here's an
example of what I'm seeing:

@40003981b5cf1637e39c new msg 12548
@40003981b5cf16432284 info msg 12548: bytes 2104 from <> qp 12047 uid
---|  Nothing here

@40003981b5cf16d538f4 starting delivery 3956: msg 12548 to local
Nothing here.

@40003981b5cf16e3c39c status: local 1/10 remote 0/20
@40003981b5cf1ba4fcfc delivery 3956: success: did_0+0+2/
@40003981b5cf1bb890b4 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
@40003981b5cf1bbea364 end msg 12548

Does this look familiar to anyone?  Thanks for all the help!
