Re: Pine, Mutt, and Maildir

1999-06-19 Thread Anonymous

"Adam D. McKenna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| Maybe, but I wouldn't really compare mutt to either of those..  Those are both
| low-feature command line mail readers no?

They're high-feature command line readers with high-feature GUI
wrappers available.

Re: Pine, Mutt, and Maildir

1999-06-19 Thread Anonymous

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Re: Pine, Mutt, and Maildir

1999-06-19 Thread Anonymous

Maybe, but I wouldn't really compare mutt to either of those..  Those are both
low-feature command line mail readers no?

mutt is still faster than pine for mbox..  and it handles maildir format
(much) faster than mbox.


- Original Message -
From: Scott Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 19, 1999 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: Pine, Mutt, and Maildir

: "Adam D. McKenna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
: | I used mutt with a large (>1500 message) mailbox file once and the
: | was way worse than with large maildirs.
: So mutt has two problems, then.  Neither bsd mail nor mh has difficulty
: with much bigger inboxes.

Re: Pine, Mutt, and Maildir

1999-06-19 Thread Anonymous

"Adam D. McKenna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| I used mutt with a large (>1500 message) mailbox file once and the performance
| was way worse than with large maildirs.

So mutt has two problems, then.  Neither bsd mail nor mh has difficulty
with much bigger inboxes.

Re: Pine, Mutt, and Maildir

1999-06-19 Thread Anonymous

I used mutt with a large (>1500 message) mailbox file once and the performance
was way worse than with large maildirs.


- Original Message -
From: Scott Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 19, 1999 2:06 AM
Subject: Re: Pine, Mutt, and Maildir

: "Alex Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
: | However, Mutt seems to be looking for the Mailbox, and I can't see an
: | for setting it to use Maildirs.
: Set $MAIL to point to your maildir.
: But... is it my imagination or does mutt read the whole maildir, and
: then write it back?  That's just awful to contemplate.  One of the big
: advantages of maildir (and mh) is that you don't have to write the
: whole thing back just to update a few messages.

Re: Pine, Mutt, and Maildir

1999-06-19 Thread Anonymous

 Recently, Alex Miller had the following to say about RE: Pine, Mutt, and Maildir:
> Ok, thanks Scott
> but pardon my stupidity, where should I set this, rc.local with a set
> command? I have Redhat, and am not clear on setting environment variables. I
> know this is the kind of thing I should know but I've been puzzled by
> setting environment variables for a while now, all the reference books seem
> to assume more experience with environment variables than I have.
Here's what I use in my .muttrc file to use Maildirs:

set mbox_type="Maildir"
set mbox="$HOME/Maildir/"
set spoolfile="$HOME/Maildir/"

This does the trick for me. This .muttrc file is in my $HOME
directory. To make it system wide, you'd need to put it in your Muttrc file,
the system-wide mutt configuration file which, on my system, is located in
my /etc directory. However, I have never done this system-wide. I have only
done it for myself as almost all my shell users use Pine, not Mutt.

Hope that helps,


Fred B. Ringel  --  Rivertown.Net Internet Access
Systems Administrator   --
and General Fixer Upper --  Voice/Fax/Support: +1.914.478.2885
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for current my public key

Wasn't there something about a PASCAL programmer knowing the value of
everything and the Wirth of nothing?

RE: Pine, Mutt, and Maildir

1999-06-19 Thread Anonymous

Ok, thanks Scott

but pardon my stupidity, where should I set this, rc.local with a set
command? I have Redhat, and am not clear on setting environment variables. I
know this is the kind of thing I should know but I've been puzzled by
setting environment variables for a while now, all the reference books seem
to assume more experience with environment variables than I have.

I presume that other people who want to use Mutt with Maildir must also need
to do this.

Alex Miller

> -Original Message-
> From: Scott Schwartz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, June 19, 1999 2:07 AM
> To: Qmail
> Subject: Re: Pine, Mutt, and Maildir
> "Alex Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> | However, Mutt seems to be looking for the Mailbox, and I can't
> see an option
> | for setting it to use Maildirs.
> Set $MAIL to point to your maildir.
> But... is it my imagination or does mutt read the whole maildir, and
> then write it back?  That's just awful to contemplate.  One of the big
> advantages of maildir (and mh) is that you don't have to write the
> whole thing back just to update a few messages.

Re: Pine, Mutt, and Maildir

1999-06-19 Thread Anonymous

"Alex Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| However, Mutt seems to be looking for the Mailbox, and I can't see an option
| for setting it to use Maildirs.

Set $MAIL to point to your maildir.

But... is it my imagination or does mutt read the whole maildir, and
then write it back?  That's just awful to contemplate.  One of the big
advantages of maildir (and mh) is that you don't have to write the
whole thing back just to update a few messages.