On Apr 27, 2009, at 1:38 AM, d...@stean.ch wrote:
are there any plans to overwork the templates of qmailadmin
to use more actual html technology, well css which is not yet
used in them. or at least to separate code and template the
way that i don't have to patch the code to be able to provide
a real customer tailored theme for it?

For the 1.2.12 release, I started moving all HTML out of the source code and into an html.h file. I only did alias.c as a test of the technique, and never got around to the other files.

The idea was that it would be easier for someone to provide a replacement html.h along with new templates. Of course, modifying our template system to keep all of the HTML in the templates would be the best thing and could possibly be accomplished with JavaScript and AJAX/JSON.

I've been way to busy to spend time on QmailAdmin, so someone else would have to run with this idea. I had started the work because someone (can't recall who at this point) had offered to completely redesign the HTML templates.

I see that I have an unreleased 1.2.13 that I should try to push out before too long...



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