hello folks!

according to the ezmlm-idx faq, the user's guide, and the admin's guide, i'm supposed to be able to allow subscribers to post to a list using alternate addresses (http://mail.inter7.com/images/qmailadmin/ help/ezman/ezman-3.html, section 3.2)

supposedly i can add addresses to this database either by sending email to <list>-allow-subscribe@<server> or by running `ezmlm-sub <path-to-list>/allow <address>`. however, while both procedures seems to complete without errors, ezmlm still rejects mail from the addresses i add.

is this functionality implemented in qmailtoaster? i am, unfortunately, running an older version of the toaster; if the answer is "the bug is fixed in a later version", that's good enough for me. has anyone else done this successfully?


If this were played upon a stage now, I could condemn it as an improbable fiction. - Fabian, Twelfth Night, III,v

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