Will do. I already did this on my own machines

On 7/17/2018 6:59 AM, Aleksander Podsiadły wrote:
DomainKeys standard (RFC-4870) is obsoleted by DKIM (RFC-4871,
obsoleted by RFC-6376).

IMHO shell script qmail-queue.pl.sh should be patched:
8<-- qmail-queue.pl.sh patch
--- old/qmail-queue.pl.sh       2018-07-17 14:33:27.000000000 +0200
+++ new/qmail-queue.pl.sh       2018-07-17 14:56:19.000000000 +0200
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@
  if [ "${DKVERIFY+x}" ] ; then
        tmp=`mktemp -t dk.verify.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`
        cat - >"$tmp"
-       ( dktest -v < "$tmp" 2>&1 ; \
-       /usr/local/bin/dkimverify.pl  < "$tmp"  | sed 's/\r//'; \
+       ( /var/qmail/bin/dkimverify.pl  < "$tmp"  | sed 's/\r//'; \
        [ "$TCPREMOTEIP" ] && printf 'X-Originating-IP:
        cat "$tmp" ) | \
                $DKQUEUE "$@"
8<-- EOT

* dtest is unnecessary,
* path of dkimverify.pl is different in instruction of instalation

Eric Broch
White Horse Technical Consulting (WHTC)

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