> I mean, for every single item, if they can be instantiated without a
> given size, then there must be a way for component developers to
> specify their "default size". And to me that should be "implicitWidth"
> and "implicitHeight"

There is. They simply set the width and height in the element:


import Qt 4.7
Item { width: 100; height: 100; ... }

Code instantiating the element can keep this "default" size, or change it:

MyFoo { }

MyFoo { width: 200 }

MyFoo { width: 200; height: 300 }

The implicit width/height concept is provided in QDeclarativeItem for the 
purpose of code-reuse in elements where it makes sense. It is not a property 
because its semantics is sensitive to the actual element type, not a generic 


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