Hi LQ,
Good luck in your search.  When you find him, he will be getting the better end of the relationship!  :)

With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 28 Year Post
Texas, USA

~LittleQuad~ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
i have often said i'm so glad i have only one son, but actually i have a son and 2 male controlling minds and a female bitch who wants to rule the world... oh i mean those precious felines that continuosly meow at me for milk and food :) i orginally had 5 which has dwindled down to 3, and boy are they great companions... if i can find a man like my 2 male cats..i'd be in paradise... they give me loving in morning, noon and night... when i say enough they go outside..when i let them in they know who's bed they better get in.... and i don't have to buy them expensive toys, just dropping a paper clip amuses them for hours!!

Stacy Harim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Done,  I got my cat from a place called cat connection from outside of wal mart. They were set up in the parking lot.  Every time we watch animal cops on animal planet, I point out to him how lucky he is he is with me.  He is still a brat.  He's a sweetie, but still bad.  Good luck and I hope your shelter wins.
"True happiness lies not in everything you want, but rather enjoying everything you have"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2004 7:45 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Cat Habitat

Hi Gang,
Pardon me going off-topic but I have a special request.  Friskies is running a contest to determine the top 10 most in-need shelters.  Each one will receive a $10,000 grant from Friskies for a new cat habitat. The 20 finalists were selected from more than 600 shelters across the country by a team of judges based on selection criteria that included the current condition of their habitat, last renovation and annual budget.
The Humane Society of Wichita County has been selected as one of the 20 finalists, so if your local shelter is not on the list, please vote once each day until Aug., 20 for number 20 -- The Humane Society of Wichita County shelter.  Your vote will help! 
Vote at: 
Thank you in advance for your votes!!!
With Love,
Dave Kelmer
C-4/5 Complete
Wichita Falls, TX
Yahoo Messenger ID:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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