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Email 2/Day 2
Senate Bill 5 Campaign
Letters to Senators

  As outlined in the coordinated campaign, here are your tasks for DAY TWO. 
Remember to replace the highlighted text within the letter with your personal 
story and the highlighted text at the end of the letter with your personal 
contact information. Remember that we have two requests: Vote Yes on S5 and 
Vote Yes on a Veto Override.

   Write SEVEN letters (Actually ONE with SEVEN different addresses and 
titles). FIVE to the targeted Senators and TWO to your own Senators. 
  Sample letters can be found below.
   Make certain that at least FIVE of your friends and family members do the 
same. By doing this, you have multiplied your impact from 8 letters to 48 
letters! If you can get TEN or TWENTY friends and family to join you, go for 
  Again, we are providing some text (between the bold blue lines) that you can 
copy and send to your friends and family. And as before, please feel free to 
edit or re-write completely.
  Please email us if you have any questions or need any help. Thank you again 
for your continued hard work to pass this bill. 

  Dear Friends and Family,   Please help me contact six Senators who might 
change their positions to support stem cell research by voting Yes on Senate 
Bill 5. Below are their addresses and sample text for you to use. For more 
information on why I think they might be receptive, click here. These are only 
five of those who voted against the research. If you have the time and energy, 
it might help to reach all of those who voted no last year. It only takes one 
Senator to change his or her vote to move this research forward! To find the 
others who voted no last year, click here.
  Please be sure to take out the highlighted text and put in your information.
  After you change the highlighted text, please copy it all to a blank page and 
add one of the addresses. Repeat this process until you have written all five 
letters. Please write a separate letter to each Senator (do not send one with 
all five addresses!) It is most effective if you can mail and fax this letter 
since they will vote on Wednesday or Thursday - before they get the snail mail 
  Also, please send letters to your two Senators. To find your Senators' 
contact information and voting history, go to Project Vote Smart. 
  It would be extremely helpful to know how many letters you were able to send. 
I am tracking our impact. It means a lot to me to have your support.
  Thank you!
  Sample letter:
  The Honorable Senator Robert Casey, Jr
  United States Senate
  Dirksen B-40
  Washington, DC, 20510
  March 6, 2007
  Dear Senator,
  I understand you will soon be voting on the Stem Cell Research Enhancement 
Act bill. This is an issue that transcends local politics and affects American 
citizens across our nation. For this reason, I am writing to urge you to vote 
yes on S5. Your decisive vote will allow the research to go forward. Please 
send the message that it is time for our government to respond to the 
supermajority of Americans who support this research.
  Briefly tell your story and why you support stem cell research here. The 
entire letter must be one page or less If your story is long, you can take out 
one of the four messages below to accommodate it.
  As you may know, the success of the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act (S 5) 
may depend on your vote.  Several Senators have proposed a "substitute" bill, 
funding alternative research. This mistaken piece of legislation is no 
substitute for Senate Bill 5. I want to tell you that:
   To my knowledge, none of the nation's preeminent scientists regard any form 
of "alternative" stem cell research as a substitute for embryonic. I will be 
happy to provide supporting data, if you would like.   
   We citizens and families, consulting with our doctors, should make medical 
decisions. Political leaders should not be cutting families off from access to 
lifesaving therapies. Instead, the entire Senate should be leading the effort 
to fund this research - as it is our family's right to decide and choose the 
best medical care for our loved ones.   
   The American people overwhelmingly support embryonic stem cell research, and 
they resent the restrictions currently imposed. These restrictions on federal 
funds deny every family the right to access the best medical treatment and 
cures for their loved ones. This support for embryonic stem cell research is 
undeniable: In the 2006 midterm Election pro-stem cell research candidates won 
major victories.   
   Non-embryonic stem cell research is already heavily funded. White House 
documents reveal a preference of nearly 20-1 for funding alternative stem cell 
research over embryonic stem cell research. 
  Your yes vote holds the power to save lives, and to ease suffering. 
  Please be a voice for those who have been told, "There is no hope". Stem cell 
research is our hope. 
  This is a make or break issue with me. My friends and family are among the 
one hundred million Americans affected by chronic disease and disability. I 
urge you to vote "Yes" on the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act for me, my 
family, and for the millions of Americans who support this research. Please 
also Vote "Yes" on a Veto Override Vote.
  Please know that you can call on me, my family, and the nearly 600 patient 
advocacy and health organizations, research universities, religious groups and 
other interested organizations that support this research.
Your name 

  Your street 

  Your city, state and zip  

  Five Additional Addresses: 
  The Honorable Senator John Sununu
  United States Senate
  111 Russell Senate Office Building
  Washington, DC, 20510
  The Honorable Senator Norm Coleman
  United States Senate
  320 Senate Hart Office Building
  Washington, DC, 20510
  The Honorable Senator Richard Shelby
  United States Senate
  110 Hart Senate Office Building
  Washington, DC, 20510

  The Honorable Senator Bob Corker
  United States Senate
  B-40A Dirksen Senate Office Building
  Washington, DC, 20510
  The Honorable Senator Lindsey Graham
  United States Senate
  290 Russell Senate Office Building
  Washington, DC, 20510
            550 S. California Avenue | Suite 330 | Palo Alto, CA 94306
(650) 812-9304 | (650) 833-0105 (fax) 
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