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Why do certain days or times are more prone to dangerous driving and traffic 
deaths than others? 

Safe driving is no accident, it happens when drivers practice a safety-first 
initiative and common sense decision-making. For the millions of motorists who 
think accidents are random, uncontrollable events, consider these sobering 
statistics published by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 
(NHTSA) on traffic fataliites that define the most dangerous driving days. A 
clear pattern has emerged over 25 years since the NHTSA has been tracking this 
data. The pattern proves that drivers, not weather or fate, control the number 
of traffic fatalities.

Top 10 Deadliest Days of the Year To Drive
Based on 25 years of reserach statistics 

July 4 

July 3 

December 23 

December 24 

December 22 

August 3  (The day my dad had his accident)

January 1 

September 1 

September 2 

August 4 

What do these dates mean? Drivers should be especially alert during major 
holiday periods, asserts Brent Gregory, senior vice president, the American 
Safety Council, in Orlando, Fla. Says Gregory: “Motorists should take extra 
precautions, particularly during the holiday periods ... Memorial Day, Labor 
Day, July 4, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s. Those seem to be among 
the deadliest days to drive according to data that we’ve looked at. Be that as 
it may, motorists should always practice safe driving no matter what the 
traffic conditions, 24-7. Doing so can be a life saver, maybe your own.” (Get 
safe-driving tips from

The deadliest days to drive aren't random. These are the days where high 
numbers of Americans are celebrating and then getting in cars either tired or 
intoxicated. These are the days when more people practice dangerous driving 
over a safety-first initiative.

Deadliest Days of the Week to Drive 








Deadliest Times of the Day to Drive 

3:00 - 6:00 pm 

6:00 - 9:00 pm 

9:00 - Midnight 

Noon - 3:00 pm 

Midnight - 3:00 am 

The Most Important Tip
Traffic fatalities from dangerous driving have significantly decreased over the 
past 25 years, according to NHTSA. While traffic deaths are fewer today, trends 
for the most dangerous days and times to drive have remained fairly consistent. 
Do not drink and drive, or drive if fatigued. Wear your seat belt, always. In 
many cases, traffic fatalities could have been avoided by passengers and 
drivers wearing their seat belt.

Paying attention and driving carefully can save not just your life, but the 
lives of others.

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