My only insurance's Medicare and I had to have [well, it was the last  ditch effort to try to get rid of my dangerous Proteus bacteria] at-home IV antibiotics.
At that time, the Medicare Part D. Prescription Drug Plan had not yet gone into effect.  And Medicare did not cover any drug expenses whatsoever.  So that little 10 week stint cost us $850 out-of-pocket.  We paid $100 monthly and just finished paying it a couple of months ago.
-------Original Message-------
Date: 6/16/2006 11:34:31 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] uti
Hi Ray,
I'm sorry you can't get the IV at home and train your aid to do.  That's what they did when I had Pseudomonas of the lungs.  I guess it depends on the state and the insurance.  I was told I would have to go to nursing home , if I didn't have insurance, because it was three times a day , two different IV's.  The VNA showed by a panel, the medication was some company that deals with infusion therapy. My nurse told me once you have Pseudomonas, it gets colonized, and it will always show up although your symptoms are gone and you feel good.
I had to have two sets.  It was longer than a month.  Then another month of the same drug through my breathing treatment. Leviquin would not work.
Has anyone ever gotten IV's at home on Medicare.  I don't know what the new Medicare D will do, because my insurance is primary, Medicare D. is secondary, because my stepmom is still working.  It would be interesting to know.

I hope you feel better soon Ray. I know how it is a drag to be sick and dragging to the hospital every day.
I'm just getting over another bronchitis, and it took three antibiotics to get over and over six weeks.


correct me if I misunderstood Ray, but it sounds like you're going to the hospital as an outpatient to get the IV?  Sounds like a reasonable treatment to me.  So sorry you are so sick, you must be miserable.


On Jun 16, 2006, at 3:24 PM, David K. Kelmer wrote:

Hi Ray,
And doctors wonder why they get sued so much, and are disliked by most off their patients!
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 30 Years Post
Texas, USA
Hi everybody, I know everyone gets tired of talking uti's I've done pretty good seeing I've only had a couple in the last couple yrs, anyway this one been hanging on for the last few months just recently got a new urolgist (my old one moved) I explained that oral antibiotics don't work with me but he put me on cipro and macrobid for 14 days twice a day, he had me change my cath half way through so he could check that was about five days after i started! finished today get home and his office had left a message tha! t the re sults show oral antibiotics won't work with this bug but that there is four iv ones that will and wants me to go to hospital to get 10 days of treatments about a hr a day his office said, i'm waiting for the hospital to call so i can schedule my question is dose this sound like standard procedure? Thx Ray c-5 c-6 AZ 5yrs post

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