I forgot to tell you that I only use for cell phone as I get free  
information at home as I'm sure most of you do.  It is so good that when  you 
request a 
number they e-mail you the numbers that you requested so you can  add to your 
phone if you did not.  I sometimes don't have time if I'm going  somewhere or 
if my dog is on the way and I can't reach my phone correctly.
Just thought it would mention this service again, plus I think you can  get 
maps and directions although I have never tried to service.
On a different note, I just got a chip put in my yorkie.  I thought  your dog 
could be tracked by this chip, but only if somebody turns the dog  in.  My 
vet's office said this was not available.  I don't know where  I heard it was, 
if anyone else have any further information on chips available  for your dog 
for tracking, if they wander off and you don't know .  Zoe  likes to go out the 
front door, when she gets a chance.  There have been  times I have been in bed 
and a visiting nurse has come.  My front screen  door shut slowly and she 
slipped out the door and the nurse did not know.   Luckily a nice man brought 
back, she was a couple blocks away from home, and  one time the mailman 
brought her back.  She has been close to getting run  over by a car.  She's 
better about running out the door, but not  going as a straight, just going 
to the neighbor's yard.  It is so scary as  I don't know what I'd do without 
her.  I wish I could afford to get one of  those fences that you can put in 
front yard.  I met a woman in the  store, that had one for her yorkie and it 
was $1000.
the website for the chip is:
_http://www.homeagain.com/1_0.html_ (http://www.homeagain.com/1_0.html) 

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  • [QUAD-L] Re: 1-800-FREE411: Maps & Directions for your rec... DAANOO

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