This one is easy for me today.? I thank my creator for that!

1,? God 
2.? Knowing who I am in Christ
3.? Knowing my purpose in life.

I truly blessed.? After my accident I was not angry at God or anyone else.? My 
big problem was that I kept on saying, "I know God wants me to learn something 
from this, I just don't know what it is yet".? 

My pastor let that one slide for a while then she finally said " Maybe it's not 
all about you Shelly". Wow, never thought about that angle!!! I could finally 
move on and become who God was calling me to be.

Today I am in Johnstown, PA attending classes and will be attending the 
community college in December.? Thanks to my O.V.R. counselor.

Thank you for whoever started this email.? God is calling me to start a Bible 
study here and you just gave me an idea for the first meeting!? Sad to say, 
there are all kinds of so called "support" groups here.? Not one has to do with 

God Bless!

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