Ohhhh Jerry....you carnivorous guy, you!!  First, my a/c is STILL not fixed, as the dash gave trouble, wrong expansion valve yesterday, and now my stupid headlight switch is malfunctioning, but it's ok, tomorrow after i get outta work, i'm getting him to charge the baby up with freon, and i'm getting closer to being like you...C-O-O-L
That's interesting about the person asking you about Adam, i'm glad u handled it the way you did.  You let him off the hook for a silly mistake...but i can't really imagine the pain that sends through you!!  In some ways, Jerry, you have a pain that none of us quads will ever know...i respect you so much for being the man you are about it. 
Short Story:  After i got hurt i spent 7 months in hospital recovering, then went to rehab center in Maryland.  I met a young guy/quad named Sam Gatto, very tall Italian kid around my age. Neither one of us had anywhere to go once we were released from rehab...his mother would not have him come home - too much work, and she didn't want the responsibility.  We both stalled our progress in rehab so we could stay longer...but at the end, we decided to get an apt together, hire aides together...we had another roommate who had Cystic Fibrosis, Ralph.  After one winter, i hopped a jet to Miami to be reunited with a father i hadn't seen since i was 10 yrs old...i never knew what happened to Sam, and Ralph died about a year later.
I only related that story coz i think you're a beautiful dad...we should all be so lucky!!
----- Original Message -----
From: Bryant's
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2004 5:57 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] a/c update

Hey Tony,     glad to hear the a/c is close (maybe even done, since it is now 530 in the pm) and you can become "c-o-o-l" again!  Yeah, there is a lot to replacing an a/c and that's why I wondered about the price.  You need to keep that mechanic around, if he works that cheap.   Anyway, glad we could help in a small way.
It has been a rough couple of days, frankly.  I had a well-meaning man ask me yesterday in front of a courtroom full of people how Adam was doing.  I have had 5 or 6 people ask that question in the last month, but not in front of a crowd. Usually I handle it pretty smoothly, but I just could not deal with the question yesterday.  Told him I would talk to him later and walked up to the front of the room, acting busy. A friend went over to him and told him of Adam's death.  He felt badly, but he simply did not know.  This is tough.
Keep up the great attitude and give your wonderful mom a hug.  I would wish you luck in your El Presidente quest, but I really like venison.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2004 12:09 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] a/c update

Heyyy Jerry.....a little update here, i can't believe how much is involved with putting in new a/c, it's been one thing after the other - wrong parts, tearing the dash off, tearing the duct work out, but hey, my mechanic worked yesterday, and is out there now working...i should be up n running TODAY!!  Yeahhhhhh....i'm getting cabin fever fast
Hope things are ok with you, MaryCarol and the kidos....heyyy, thanks for the SCIC list, very informed people on there!!

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