In a message dated 20/07/2004 14:06:34 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
oh thats a bunch of hooey! she should lose her job for that!!!!!!! where is NAN when you need her? she's been in a electric chair a long time!!!!!!!

   I spoke with a rehab nurse who only works with quads and para's....she told me that quads in power chairs die after and average of 10 years in a poor quali power chairs and that i better get out of mine and learn to manual push or die before long--- I have been paralyzed  7 years now. Does anyone believe this to be true???   I have no option because wife has no patience and will only put me in power chair.
                                                                Thanks for your input---Dan
Oh I can go one better than that, my head of rehab team told me that unless I "get out my chair and walk"  (like I choose to live life in a chair) I'll live a poor quality life and will be dead before I claim my pension!!! 
Love Smurf xxx

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