Even with the Botox, muscle  relaxers,  neurotin, and others I still have muscle spasms.  They are worse after I have been up in my chair all day and I am getting back in my bed.  I always take meds before getting back in bed because I know when I start being turned the spasms will begin.  Lately it has been worse in the back of my left leg which I can't do much about.  Once I am in the bed I can put on my compression boots that massage my muscles that REALLY help my legs and feet. I was told that Medicare and Medicaid wouldn't pay for these but they did.  It might be because I am on the waiver program.  It buys my diapers, and some things my PT and PT wanted me to have at home.
My doctors understand the pain I am in since it does show up on the EMG test and you can see and feel the spasms.  I do have pain meds for simple to severe pain.  I very,very seldom take the strong meds, because I choose to cope with it than medicate with the meds that limit me.
Kathy from Mississippi.

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