> Thanks for sharing! In fact I've already noticed it and got inspired a
> little[3].
> On the other hand, we've tried that before and have bad experience with
> building MinGW, especially for building drivers. I see you've also
> noticed some stuff missing (libraries, headers, exception support,
> inf2cat tool). Anyway, since you succeeded at building all of it, I
> think it's worth a try.
> Cross-compiling from Linux would be _much_ more convenient than building
> on Windows, and hopefully will allow plugging QWT build into automated
> build infrastructure.
> Creating a qubes-builder plugin for that isn't that hard. I have some
> more or less working prototype already. Adopting sources to build with a
> different compiler is some more work, but looks to involve mostly
> rearranging header files (like, naming them with lowercase). Basically
> what you've done in prep.sh, but by applying it properly to the source
> code (using #ifdef __MINGW32__ when really necessary).
> After making it build at all, the next step would be to apply actual
> improvements. And review/fix all the compiler warnings - there is quite
> a lot of them, but given previous experience with mingw, one needs to
> be careful - some may actually be bugs in mingw header files, not
> necessary our code.

Glad to hear that our project experience could be useful in upstream.

I understood described order of changes, and we are ready to implement
some parts of them. We could step up to make clean patchset based on
prep.sh with conditional changes to support MINGW.

As I see easydozen got involved to issue discussion [3], so we could
proceed to details in qubes-issues.

>> [1] https://github.com/tabit-pro/qwt-crossbuild
>> [2] https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/3418
> [3] https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/5065

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