On 10/20/20 9:06 PM, David Hobach wrote:
Thank you very much!

I also got this running, thanks!

However when I run

qubesctl --all --show-output state.highstate saltenv=user

I get for my states:
State 'qvm.present' was not found in SLS 'mysls'
Reason: 'qvm.present' is not available.

I guess the custom qvm.* states are not available in the /srv/user_salt folder, 
but only in /srv/salt?

Is there any way to make them available in /srv/user_salt as well?

Side Note: I ran `qubesctl --show-output state.sls qubes.user-dirs` to obtain 
the folders.

For reference I got it running with symlinks this way:

# Run the salt configuration of _this_ folder in dom0.
# Assumes that you have `user_[formulas|pillar|salt]` directories in _this_ 
# NOTE: If even `sudo qubesctl top.enabled` failed for you, you can try 
re-installing `qubes-mgmt-salt-* salt salt-minion`
#       (first via `sudo qubes-dom0-update`, then via `sudo dnf reinstall`.

set -e -o pipefail

[[ "$(whoami)" != "root" ]] && >&2 echo "This script must be run as root." && 
exit 1

#path of this directory (hopefully...)
SCRIPT_DIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")"

#saltModSymlink [target]
function saltModSymlink {
  local target="$1"
  local tpath="/srv/user_salt/$target"
  rm -f "$tpath"
  ln -s "/srv/salt/$target" "$tpath"

#create user_ symlinks @/srv/ for the saltenv=user (explicitly configured by 
Qubes OS)
echo "Creating user_ symlinks in /srv/..."
for file in "$SCRIPT_DIR"/* ; do
  if [ -d "$file" ] && [[ "$file" == *"user_"* ]] ; then

    #remove previous instances & update new
    rm -f "$target"
    ln -s "$file" "$target"

#create module symlinks
echo "Creating Qubes module symlinks..."
saltModSymlink "_grains"
saltModSymlink "_modules"
saltModSymlink "_pillar"
saltModSymlink "_states"
saltModSymlink "_utils"

#sync modules (we just added some via the symlinks above)
#echo "Syncing modules..."
#qubesctl saltutil.sync_all saltenv=user

if [ $# -gt 0 ] ; then
  echo "Calling qubesctl saltenv=user with your arguments..."
  qubesctl --show-output "$@" saltenv=user
  echo "Using qubesctl to apply the top.sls state..."
  qubesctl --show-output state.apply saltenv=user

P.S.: I also noticed that right after I did
sudo qubesctl --all --show-output state.highstate saltenv=user
I get
sudo qubesctl top.enabled
[CRITICAL] Specified ext_pillar interface qvm_prefs is unavailable
'top.enabled' is not available.
DOM0 configuration failed, not continuing
(It did work right before.) It doesn't change after a reboot, only reinstalling 
the salt packages helps.
I guess that's not normal?

With the above & a fresh reinstall, this didn't happen anymore. It's odd anyway 
that it happened.

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