On Wed, 27 Jul 2022 10:23:44 -0500
"'Stuart Perkins' via qubes-users" <qubes-users@googlegroups.com> wrote:

>My setup:
>Lenovo T420i
>Qubes OS 4.0
>xfce4 desktop
>fully encrypted disks, 250Gb SSD main, 2TBHD for the larger MV images.
>The problem cropped up the other day where my assigned solid color of black 
>background suddenly changed to gray.  Using the system tools, desktop to 
>change it has no effect either on solid color or background image.  Everything 
>else is working fine, but the sudden change is distressing.

Actually it is that xfdesktop stopped being started automatically.  Starting it 
fixes the issue, but it has to be started manually.


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