Thank you to everyone who has helped me in the last mails.

I have finally decided to buy a NovaCustomes Laptop that is Qubes certified
and as expected, that works very well with Qubes 4.2.

All the best

On Wednesday 20 December 2023 at 16:50:12 UTC Catacombs wrote:

> hi,   sorry if it was wrong, but I sent your home email from a proton 
> account.  It might have gone to spam.
> The Qubes OS group just released Qubes 4.2 Final, which might accomplish 
> install more ---directly.
> I usually haunt the Qubes Forum., where you 
> might get more responses to your questions.  
> Besides from getting your current laptop to work with the latest Qubes 4.2 
> Final (released yesterday).  and doing so for kinda of experiment.  And i 
> say this for others reading this post besides you:   is to purchase a 
> laptop which is well known to work with Qubes.
> The Lenovo Thinkpad X-230  or  Thinkpad X-430.  Yes one must get at least 
> 8 GB RAM, and it is an old processor (third generation Intel)  But you can 
> probably acquire one for two hundred (American) dollars.  in nearly any 
> country in the world.  Those who need an inexpensive can buy one of these 
> and modify it to be a very secure computer by installing Heads to verify 
> tampering.  If one looks at the website of Insurgo, he provides the details 
> of what he does to modify these computers.    These modified Lenovo 
> Thinkpad X-230, or X-430.    are sold by Nitro Key with some offerings of 
> the later hardware of their own build.  In addition, Purism, Librem sells 
> new laptops meant to be used with Qubes.  Puri , it is rumored, is about to 
> start selling a new model.   
> Documentation.   As the Qubes 4.2 Final is just out, the effort to 
> -re-create documentation is underway.  Much of Qubes discussions, (I read, 
> is now on Git-Hub, rather than the Forum-Qubes.  
> Qubes OS , by design, keeps some devices, like camera, laptop internal 
> microphone and such from being available to a Qube unless the computer 
> operater  specifically authorises it.  I have not heard of any one who 
> wanted to connect those things via USB.   Keeping in mind that USB is 
> considered a security hazard, plus it is likely no security expert ever 
> audited the specific device you are connecting,  USB Camera.  USB 
> Microphone.  and so on.  USB Hub having the potential security risk.  Some 
> might say a USB mouse as well being a security risk.
> Someone emailed to me, he knows a lot of journalists, and none will use 
> Qubes because of, it is more of a hackers thing.  If one has like a 
> University degree in Computer Science, using Qubes is likely pretty easy to 
> understand, and perhaps use.  For a Journalist, well, they think different, 
> and lack a lot of hacker training.  
> If an individual is a Human Rights Defender, one might use "The Anonymous 
> Incognito Linux System"  Tails OS.
> However some might say that by getting on Tor, in some countries, marks 
> the person logging into Tor to the government surveillance.  Then mistakes 
> in using Tor would further risk. . . .   yes, I have heard of Tor Bridges.  
> but I would guess that Authoritarian Government surveillance minders 
> constantly mine Bridge login locations.   I read of some fellow who used a 
> bit of software to establish , on a server outside his country to create 
> his own personal login start.  I would hesitate to give explanations 
> because of the risks involved.  in that as well...
> I was told that many of those in Chinese Prisons posted their statements 
> negative to their society, posted them on Facebook.  Some governments have 
> a low tolerance for criticism.
> I would hope that the new documentation for Installing Qubes OS, would 
> include a wiki of Troubleshooting,  what to expect from the install when.  
> Most of my easy installs were to computers in 'Legacy Mode'  UEFI installs 
> can seem problematic, but since I have no experience with that.  
> Keep in mind.  Qubes OS expects to be installed as the only OS on the 
> computer.  No sharing.  Qubes OS is installed what is called bare metal.   
> If you are trying to do some kind of dual boot, you might get it to work.  
> But it might entail more work.  I read that it is a security issue if there 
> is another OS on the same computer.  Keep in mind that there is now malware 
> which installs to the boot of the computer.   There is also LOGO-fail 
> malware.  
> Check for you model on the HCL,  "Hardware Compatibility List"  
>  to see if there is any discussion of 
> issues, how they could be solved.  Sometimes it is a matter of a directive  
> the graphics card requires..
> Go through the requirements of the computer you have with the list.  If I 
> has virtualization enabled.  Test it ,  somehow.  I found I had computer 
> where, while the BIOS/EFI had the virtualization turned on.  I had to 
> restart it like three times to get, the OS I had installed to test 
> Virtualization, to acknowledge it.  Might have been the OS, not the BIOS.  
> But I could take it off my list.   
> There are several things to try if your computer is not a Legacy install.  
> Like I said, I have not used UEFI, and my computers secure boot system 
> turned on.  I think there is a specific program to write the boot before 
> starting install.  in Git-Hub.  and an option for UEFI problems at the 
> beginning of the Install.
> I would really suggest you try Qubes OS 4.2 Final before giving up.   The 
> Developers apparently fixed some things that might help this to work.  
> The computer I had the most trouble with was a Librem 13v2,  Qubes 4.2 RC2 
> would install easily, others balked.   I could install Qubes 4.2RC2 (yes 
> that is two, months ago)   and update, update, update.  
> I finally used, Ubuntu 20.3, Gparted to format the SSD, and the second 
> empty drive.  Set SSD flag to boot.  I used my latest USB drive, (fastest) 
> (which I did the slow version of format (FAT32)  on windows 10 (I did not 
> see a Linux option)  I was thinking the fast format only did the top of the 
> drive and the partition table.  and the thing might trip over is own feet, 
> something in the file system on USB drive.  That format went a long, long 
> time.   I installed Qubes 4.2RC5 to the USB drive using the program used by 
> Mint Linux 20.x  (latest, updated) "USB image writer"  
> I felt trying to install Qubes 4.2 RC5 on top of another OS might be a 
> problem.  So yes, I repeat.  I blanked the drive.
> I once had problems trying to have both of the disks in the Librem 13V2 to 
> boot up.  (it uses PureBoot, a proprietary BIOS/EFI)  I guessed the 
> problems I had experienced with  Qubes 4.2 RC5 (yes five, not final)  had 
> to do with the speed the installed polled the drives to figure out what to 
> do.  
> Worked.  I don't know which option.
> The Qubes Installer for 4.2 Final shows up to install on top of drive in 
> Librem now.  Our Developers did something.  thanks guys.  
> What I hope we can put on the Wiki, although only some need all the 
> detail, is things like where some event in the install process takes time, 
> and one waits for it.  
> On Monday, November 27, 2023 at 1:23:55 PM UTC-6 Kai wrote:
>> Greetings!
>> in qubes-os 4.2 rc4, autodetect of the installation source would no 
>> longer work, but I could successfully choose in the second option the 
>> installation source by choosing the drive and then from that drive  the 
>> directory and iso file.
>> In qubes-os 4.2 rc5, autodetect still doesn’t work, but now we also have 
>> no more the possibility to choose a drive, that second option is gone.
>> I percieve this to be a regression (it leads me not to be able to test 
>> rc5).
>> Ps: my test machine is still my thinkpad p15 gen2, but I guess that it 
>> won’t matter in this specific case.
>> All the best 
>> Kai Froeb, São Martinho de Porto
>>  Http:// 
>>  This email was sent from my smartphone, so I apologise for the brevity 
>> and any clerical errors. 

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